Early registration: Get $50 off of all 8 weeks if you register before March 31st!
8 weeks 1 week
Ages 6-12 $900 $125
Tots (4-5) $1000 $145
At StroudKids day camps your child will have a blast meeting friends, learning new skills, and getting active! Activities include outdoor recreation, games, sports, arts & crafts, water games and more! All this in a safe, enjoyable, age-appropriate atmosphere.
Free Breakfast and Lunch Provided by ESASD!
Monday - Friday: 9am-3pm
Week 1: 6/16-6/20 "Heroes"
Week 2: 6/23-6/27 "Sports"
Week 3: 6/30-7/3 (4 Days) "USA"
Week 4: 7/7-7/11 "Explore"
Week 5: 7/14-7/18 "Globetrotters"
Week 6: 7/21-7/25 "Tropics"
Week 7: 7/28-8/1 "Create"
Week 8: 8/4-8/8 "Movie Magic"
8/11-8/15: Extension Week (Dansbury Only)
Before and After Care available for additional fee
(see below.)
PREREGISTRATION REQUIRED. To ensure program space and resources, a NONREFUNDABLE DEPOSIT of $20 per week will be collected during preregistration. Weekly camp registrations must be done the Wednesday prior to the requested start date at the latest. Space at camp may be limited and registration will be granted on a first-come, first-serve basis. We do have waitlist services. Registration for each years' camp begins in January.
Limited needs-based scholarships available. Scholarship list begins in January; call 570-426-1512 for more information.
*Dates, Times, & Locations subject to change.

Before & After Care:
Available for ages 6-12 (except extension week.)
Before and After Care Pricing
Eight Weeks Before Care (Starts 7:15am) $180
Eight Weeks After Care (Ends 6:00pm) $310
One Week Before Care (Starts 7:15am) $30
One Week After Care (Ends 6:00pm) $50
Our Locations:
Dansbury Park
Ages 6-12
Also hosts extension week.
Stroudsburg Borough Park
Ages 6-12
Hosts Stroud Tots Camp, ages 4-5
(No before or after care.)

*Dates, Times, & Locations subject to change.
More Information:
As information is released, we will link to it here:
Calendar of Activities (TBA)
LIT Calendar of Activities (TBA)
ESASD Lunch Menu (TBA)

Ages 13-15
Leaders in Training (LIT's) will learn about professional and leadership skills, conduct community service projects, and more! LIT aims to educate youth for their future. At the completion of the program, LIT's will be invited with their families to a graduation ceremony.
$415 for this eight week program!
To apply for the LIT program:
1) Call 570-426-1512 to register
2) Submit two letters of recommendation from non-family mentors
3) We will reach out to schedule an in-person interview with the prospective LIT around April
4) If LIT is accepted after interview, congratulations!
5) Go over LIT Manual carefully with the participant, sign, and submit
6) First Aid and CPR certification is highly recommended before the program begins. If the prospective LIT does not yet have certification, we can help you schedule this training at cost, or recommend a nearby training session.
7) Payment for the program is due the Wednesday before camp begins.
8) Get ready for a summer of fun & hands-on service learning!
Document submissions can be emailed to recreation@srosrc.org or given in at our office in person: 15 Day Street, East Stroudsburg, PA
*Dates, Times, & Locations subject to change.

*Before and after care available for an additional fee.
June 16 - 20
June 23 - 27
June 30 - July 3 (4 days)
July 7 - 11
July 14 - 18
July 21 - 25
July 28 - August 1
Movie Magic
August 4 - 8
*Dates, Times, Events & Instructors Subject to Change*
Frequently Asked Questions:
Is the scholarship still available?
We are happy to offer a needs-based scholarships. We begin taking applicants' names and registrations in January, so please call as early as possible if you are interested in being on the list. Around April or May, if funding comes through, we will give you a call and make an appointment with you to help you apply for the grant. If your application is accepted, it will pay up to half of each childs' camp registration fee.
What is the staff to camper ratio?
It varies day to day. We generally work to have 1 counselor per 10 campers. In younger groups (up to 9 years old), there may be some weeks where the group size gets to 12 campers. In older groups (10+ years old,) we allow up to 15 campers per counselor if needed, but it is not common. Additional to the counselors, there is a Supervisor at each site, who helps facilitate activities and support counselors as needed.
What will my child be doing at camp?
Camp kids spend most of their time outdoors, weather permitting. Campers are dropped off between 8:45am and 9:00am. Each morning there will be breakfast time, then a new activity having to do with the week's theme. We might play a sport, a game, rotate through shorter activities, or do a craft. After that, we spend some time on the playground or playing one of the kids' preferred games until lunchtime. After lunchtime, weather and staffing permitted, camp kids go to the pool for the afternoon. Camper pickup is between 2:45pm and 3:00pm.
What's the difference between Stroudsburg and Dansbury camp?
Stroudsburg in in Stroudsburg Borough, and Dansbury is in East Stroudsburg Borough. Both sites both do the same activities throughout the camp calendar. There may be days where they swap resources, for example Stroudsburg may play volleyball on Monday and Dansbury on Tuesday, but each Stroud Kids camper, no matter the site, will do pretty much the same things as each other week to week.
Where did Morey Camp go?
Morey StroudKids Camp has been renamed: Stroudsburg StroudKids Camp. It is the same program as it has been in past years. We named the program after Stroudsburg Borough Park to emphasize our commitment to outdoor park recreation, and to reduce confusion. Stroud Region Open Space and Recreation Commission runs both sites, and Morey Elementary School lets us borrow the space, but has never administered any of the programming.
What's the difference between Tots Camp and Kids' Camp?
Tots campers have their own age appropriate schedule and school space. They also have a more staff per camper. This helps keep them engaged and out of the heat a bit more. They still spend plenty of time outdoors, and join in on themed camp activities whenever possible.
Can my child bring their phone or any personal items to camp?
Personal items such as phones, toys, or electronics are prohibited as they can get lost, stolen or damaged, be a distraction, and often create conflicts among campers. Camp has plenty of games and sporting equipment to keep your child active and socializing. If you feel that your child must have a phone for emergency purposes, the child must put their phone away during camp hours. If a phone or personal item is brought to camp and is stolen or damaged, we are not responsible.
What do I do if my child is sick?
Please do not bring a sick child to camp. Much like school, we will welcome your child back to camp when they are feeling better. We do not offer refunds for days missed due to sickness. If your child is no longer able to participate in camp for several weeks due to unexpected illness or injury, please call us right away so that we can work out a partial refund with you.
What if I am running late to pick up my child?
Pick-up time is between 2:45pm and 3:00pm. If you are running late, please let us know as soon as possible over the remind app, or by contacting the office at 570-426-1512. While we understand that unexpected things can happen, we need communication from you.
Camp staff will reach out to parents and emergency contacts of a child if they are not picked up by 3:00pm. Repeated and/or uncommunicated late pick-ups accrue a fee of $20 after 15 minutes, and an additional $20 per additional half hour. A camper cannot re-enter camp until fees are paid. If the child is not picked up within one hour, and we cannot get in touch with the parent to organize a timely pick-up, the Camp Manager will have to call the Stroud Area Regional Police Department.
In contrast, if you give us a day's notice, the daily after care rate is only $12 per day.
What do I do if my child has a Nurse or BHT worker?
If your child requires an aid at school, they also require an aid at camp, as our counselors are not trained BHTs or nurses. Please work with the company who provides service to line up services for camp days. Please also give us as much information as possible about the Nurse or BHT worker who works with your child at school, so that we may reach out to them to better help your child succeed at camp.
Can I sign up my child for one day of camp?
Camp sign up is weekly, and we cannot prorate you for only certain days of a week. If you only want your child to come to camp one or two days out of the week, you can let us know, but the price of the week will remain the same.
Can I pay for camp in installments?
Yes. If you are unable to pay for camp all up front, we can work with you on a payment plan. If you are paying the eight-week price, we do require that it is all paid the Wednesday before camp begins. If you need the flexibility of paying week by week, then you may register for weekly camp.
If you have any more questions, answers may likely be outlined in our StroudKids Camp Guidelines. You may also ask our office further questions by calling 570-426-1512, or sending an email to recreation@srosrc.org.
Refund Policy:
Stroud Kids Camp Refund Policy
All refunds/withdrawals from a camp session must be done in writing. Refunds will be processed within 30 days of approved request. Refunds/credits will be issued as follows:
Requests made two weeks in advance of registered week(s) will receive a full refund; minus the $20/week nonrefundable deposit paid at registration.
Requests less than two weeks but more than 48 hours in advance will receive a refund of 50% of the registration fee.
If you do not request a refund at least 48 hours before the first day of registered week(s), no refund will be granted.
If a program is cancelled a full refund will be issued.
In the event a child is suspended or dismissed from the camp program a refund will not be issued.