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Albertson Park
Ave C & North 5th Street, Arlington Heights, PA, USA
A 5.3 Acre park locally known as the "duck pond" park or "5th Street Pond."
• Parking
• Port O Potty (Seasonal)
• Pavilion (Rentals Available)
• Grills
• Gazebo
• Playground
• All-Purpose Field
• Trail
- 0.2 mile loop, asphalt
- Suitable for Strollers, Running, Biking, X-country Skiing and Snowshoeing.
• Fishing (Pond)
- Catch and Release, License required.
• Ice Skating (Bring your own Skates)
• Some Accessible features: Swing set, trail.
Leashed dogs are allowed at this park. You must clean up after your pet. Dogs are not permitted near any playgrounds.
Day Use Fees:
(No Day Use Fees- Free to the Public.)

Big Pines Park
4189 Sky Pine Way, East Stroudsburg, PA, USA
A 25 acre park, which is mostly wooded. Available for field and pavilion rentals.
• Parking
• Pavilion (Rentals Available)
• Picnic Tables
• Grills
• Trail (25 yards, wooded)
• Softball Field (Rentals Available)
• All Purpose Field
Leashed dogs are allowed at this park. You must clean up after your pet.
Day Use Fees:

Creekview Park
2 Serfass Ln, Stroudsburg, PA, USA
Home to Stroudsburg Little League and ESU Baseball. A portion of the Levee Loop Trail also runs through this 25 Acre park.
• Parking
• Port O Potties (Seasonal)
• Playground
• Trail
- 1 mile loop, gravel and roadside. Additional wooded north trail spur.
- Part of 4 mile Levee Loop Trail
- Suitable for Strollers, Running, Biking, Bird Watching, X-country Skiing and Snowshoeing.
• Baseball and Softball Fields
- Operated by Stroudsburg Little League)
• Fishing (Creek)
- Catch and Release, License required.
• Some Accessible features: swing set, merry-go-round.
Leashed dogs are allowed at this park. You must clean up after your pet. Dogs are not permitted near any playgrounds.
Day Use Fees:
$10 per person for those who live outside of Monroe County PA
(Memorial-Labor Day)

Forevergreen Nature Preserve
1539 Cherry Lane Rd, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301, USA
A preserve that was once a golf course. Home to Brodhead Creek Heritage Center, which houses an informational display, community space, and the offices of Brodhead Watershed Association and Pocono Heritage Land Trust.
• Parking
• Port O Potties (Seasonally)
• Bathrooms (when Heritage Center is open)
• Trails
- 1 mile loop, gravel; additional grass trails
- Suitable for Strollers, Running, Biking, X-country Skiing and Snowshoeing
• Fishing (Creek)
- Catch and Release, License required.
Leashed dogs are allowed at this park. You must clean up after your pet.
Day Use Fees:
(No Day Use Fees- Free to the Public.)

Gregory's Pond Park
Poole Road, East Stroudsburg, PA, USA
A pond park offering fishing and a small network of hiking trails. Bordered by Terra Greens Golf Course.
• Parking
• Gazebo
• Trail
- 1 mile trail system, wooded/gravel
- Suitable for Bird Watching, Trail Running and Snowshoeing
• Fishing (Pond)
- Catch and Release, License Required.
Leashed dogs are allowed at this park. You must clean up after your pet.
Day Use Fees:
(No Day Use Fees- Free to the Public.)

Kovarick Park Lands
138 McMichael Dr, Stroudsburg, PA, USA
Undeveloped woodlands with the potential for walking trails and picnic tables. Fishing access.
• Fishing (Creek)
- Catch and Release, License required.
Leashed dogs are allowed at this park. You must clean up after your pet.
Day Use Fees:
(No Day Use Fees- Free to the Public.)

Moore Park
6435 White Birch St, East Stroudsburg, PA, USA
A 1.5 acre pocket park with swings, diggers, and a satellite climber.
• Play area
• Stroller-friendly
• Some Accessible features: swings.
Dogs are NOT allowed near playground equipment.
Day Use Fees:
(No Day Use Fees- Free to the Public.)

Rotary Park
101 Park Avenue, Stroudsburg, PA, USA
Under the 7th Street bridge along the McMichael Creek. Fishing access.
• Parking
• Fishing (Creek)
- Catch and Release, License required.
Leashed dogs are allowed at this park. You must clean up after your pet.
Day Use Fees:
(No Day Use Fees- Free to the Public.)

Terra Greens Golf Course
123 Terragreen Drive, East Stroudsburg, PA, USA
A 111 acre, 9 hole public golf course along 447 run by the Friends of Terra Greens Golf Course.
• Parking
• Bathrooms (For golfers)
• Picnic Tables
• Trails available to public during off season. Stay on trails.
- asphalt
- Suitable for Running, X-country Skiing and Snowshoeing
• Golf
Dogs are NOT allowed at this park.
Day Use Fees:
Golf fees applicable during golfing season.

Zacharias Pond Park
99 E 3rd St, East Stroudsburg, PA, USA
This park includes a picnic pavilion, a ball field, a pond and walking/jogging trails.
• Parking
• Port O Potties (Seasonal)
• Playground
• Pavilion (Rentals Available)
• Picnic Tables
• Grills
• Trail
- 3/4 mile trail system, gravel
- Suitable for Strollers, Running and Bird Watching
• Fishing (Pond)
- Catch and Release, License required.
• Some Accessible features: swing set, merry-go-round.
Leashed dogs are allowed at this park. You must clean up after your pet. Dogs are not permitted near any playgrounds.
Day Use Fees:
(No Day Use Fees- Free to the Public.)

Amhurst Park
88 N 3rd St, Stroudsburg, PA, USA
A 1.5 Acre park locally known as the "Third Street Park."
• Limited Parking
• Picnic Tables
• Playground
• Basketball Court (Rentals Available)
• Volleyball
• All-Purpose Field
• Stroller-friendly
• Ice Skating (Seasonal, Bring your own Skates)
• Some Accessible features: Swing set, merry-go-round.
Leashed dogs are allowed at this park. You must clean up after your pet. Dogs are not permitted near any playgrounds.
Day Use Fees:
(No Day Use Fees- Free to the Public.)

Brodhead Creek Park
4002 North 5th Street, East Stroudsburg, PA, USA
This 34 acre park is perfect for observing nature & fishing along the creek.
• Parking
• Port O Potties (Seasonal)
• Two Pavilions (Rentals Available)
• Picnic Tables
• Grills
• Trail
- 0.5 mile loop, gravel
- part of 1.5 mile Brodhead Greenway Trail
- Suitable for Strollers, Running, Biking, Bird Watching, X-country Skiing and Snowshoeing.
• Fishing (Pond, Creek)
- Pond: Catch and Release; may be fished only by children under 12 years old.
- Creek: Catch and Release, License required.
Leashed dogs are allowed at this park. You must clean up after your pet.
Day Use Fees:
$10 per person for those who live outside of Monroe County PA
(Memorial thru Labor Day)

Dansbury Park
15 Day Street, East Stroudsburg, PA, USA
A popular destination with a skate park, pool, tennis, basketball, playground, and the Levee Loop Trailhead.
• Parking
• Bathrooms (Seasonal)
• Pavilion (Rentals Available)
• Picnic Tables
• Grills
• Playground
• Swimming Pool
• Skate Park
• Baseball Field (Rentals Available)
• Soccer Field (Rentals Available)
• Basketball Court (Rentals Available)
• All Purpose Field (Rentals Available)
• Tennis Court
• Trail
- Levee Loop Trailhead, grass
- Part of the 4 Mile Levee Loop Trail
- Suitable for Strollers, Running, Biking, Bird Watching.
• Fishing (Creek)
- Catch and Release, License required.
• Some Accessible features: Pool, swing set, merry-go-round.
Dogs are NOT allowed in this park except on Levee Loop Trail, when leashed. You must clean up after your pet.
Day Use Fees:
(No Day Use Fees- Free to the Public.)

Glen Brook Golf Course
1044 Hickory Valley Road, Stroudsburg, PA, USA
A 224 acre, 18 hole golf course. There is also hiking & fishing access.
• Parking
• Restaurant
• Trails available to public during off season. Stay on trails.
- asphalt
- Suitable for Strollers, Running, X-country Skiing and Snowshoeing
• Golf
Dogs are NOT allowed at this park.
Day Use Fees:
No Day Use Fees out of season- Golf fees applicable during golfing season.

Hickory Valley Park
1303 Hickory Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, USA
Perfect for passive recreation, picnics and fishing. Two entrances along Hickory Valley Road: the park entrance and the trail entrance. The trail entrance has its own parking and is located one half-mile northwest of the park entrance on Hickory Valley Road.
• Parking
• Picnic Tables
• Grills
• Trail
- 0.4 mile out and back, gravel/ wooded
- Suitable for Running, X-country Skiing and Snowshoeing
• Fishing (Creek)
- Catch and Release, License required.
Leashed dogs are allowed at this park. You must clean up after your pet.
Day Use Fees:
May be closed between
Memorial Day & Labor Day.
If open during those times, $10 Day Use Fee applies per person for those who live outside of Monroe County PA.

Laural Street Park
2105 Laural St, Stroudsburg, PA, USA
A pocket park with a pond; filled with lily pads & frogs. One Acre.
Leashed dogs are allowed at this park, though it is small. You must clean up after your pet.
Day Use Fees:
(No Day Use Fees- Free to the Public.)

Pinebrook Park
4070 North 5th Street, East Stroudsburg, PA, USA
Along the Brodhead Creek, this picturesque park offers creek-side grilling and walking trails with bridges. There are two entrances from the road (North 5th Street) to this park, both with parking: a North entrance and a South entrance. The North entrance may be closed over the winter.
• Parking
• Picnic Tables
• Grills
• Port O Potties
• Trail
- 1 mile trail system, gravel
- part of 1.5 mile Brodhead Greenway Trail
- Suitable for Strollers, Running, Biking, Bird Watching, X-country Skiing and Snowshoeing.
• Fishing (Creek)
- Catch and Release, License required.
Leashed dogs are allowed at this park. You must clean up after your pet.
Day Use Fees:
$10 per person for those who live outside of Monroe County PA
(Memorial thru Labor Day)

Stokes Mill Park
701 Stokes Mill Road, East Stroudsburg, PA, USA
A pocket park along the Brodhead Creek with a grill & picnic table. Part of the Levee Loop Trail.
• Parking
• Picnic Table
• Grill
• Trail
- Part of 4 mile Levee Loop Trail, wooded section
Leashed dogs are allowed at this park, though it is small. You must clean up after your pet.
Day Use Fees:
May be closed between
Memorial Day & Labor Day.
If open during those times, $10 Day Use Fee applies per person for those who live outside of Monroe County PA.

West Gate Park
1045 Dreher Ave, Stroudsburg, PA, USA
A pocket park with a picnic table. Not to be confused with the apartment complex of the same name next door, which is managed by the Monroe County Housing Authority.
• Picnic Table
• Stroller-friendly
Dogs are NOT allowed at this park.
Day Use Fees:
(No Day Use Fees- Free to the Public.)

Ann Street Park
Ann St, Stroudsburg, PA, USA
A pocket park which offers a scenic view of the falls; close to Downtown Stroudsburg shops.
• Picnic Table
Leashed dogs are allowed at this park, though it is small. You must clean up after your pet.
Day Use Fees:
(No Day Use Fees- Free to the Public.)

Bryant Park
717 Bryant St, Stroudsburg, PA, USA
A pocket park with playground, gazebo & pollinator-friendly flower garden, taken care of by local community members.
• Limited Parking
• Picnic Tables
• Playground
• Gazebo
• Stroller-friendly
Leashed dogs are allowed at this park, though it is small. You must clean up after your pet. Dogs are not permitted near any playgrounds.
Day Use Fees:
(No Day Use Fees- Free to the Public.)

Day Street Community Center
15 Day Street, East Stroudsburg, PA, USA
Headquarters of StroudRec offices. Also available for rent as an event space.
• Parking
• Bathrooms
• Meeting Room (Rentals Available)
• Kitchenette
• Basketball Hoop
• Recreational Pickleball Court (Seasonal)
• Walkable access to Dansbury Park
Dogs are NOT allowed in this building without special permissions.
Day Use Fees:
(No Day Use Fees)

Glen Park
152 Collins St, Stroudsburg, PA, USA
Hosts a dog park and fishing access. Mountain biking and hiking paths run throughout the park as well.
• Parking
• Trail
- 1 mile out and back, wooded
- Suitable for Trail Running, Mountain Biking, Bird Watching, X-Country Skiing and Snowshoeing
• Fishing (Creek)
- Catch and Release, License required.
Leashed dogs are allowed at this park. You may unleash your dog within the fence of the dog park. Your dog(s) must be registered, fully vaccinated, showing no signs of transmissible disease, and friendly to both humans and other dogs, to visit the dog park. You must clean up after your pet.
Day Use Fees:
(No Day Use Fees- Free to the Public.)

Katz Park
1222 Heritage Dr, Stroudsburg, PA, USA
A small park with pond, walking trail, and picnic area. 7.2 Acres.
• Picnic Table
• Trail (0.1 mile, wooded)
• Fishing (pond)
- Catch and Release, License required.
Leashed dogs are allowed at this park. You must clean up after your pet.
Day Use Fees:
(No Day Use Fees- Free to the Public.)

Miller Park
5 S Kistler St, East Stroudsburg, PA, USA
A pocket park with flowering trees, and picnic tables. Close to Historic Dansbury Depot & downtown East Stroudsburg amenities.
• Metered Parking
• Picnic Tables
• Stroller-friendly
Leashed dogs are allowed at this park. You must clean up after your pet.
Day Use Fees:
(No Day Use Fees- Free to the Public.)

Red's Park
2432 N 5th St, East Stroudsburg, PA, USA
A Pocket Park along North 5th Street with a grill and picnic table.
• Picnic Table
• Grill
• Stroller-friendly
Leashed dogs are allowed at this park, though it is small. You must clean up after your pet.
Day Use Fees:
(No Day Use Fees- Free to the Public.)

Stroudsburg Borough Park
1100 Main St, Stroudsburg, PA, USA
Adjacent to Stroudsburg High School. Contains a pool, pavilion, skate park, playground and picnic tables. Also near walking paths and within walking distance of Downtown Stroudsburg.
• Parking
• Port O Potties (Seasonal)
• Playground
• Pavilion (Rentals Available)
• Picnic Tables
• Grills
• Trail (asphalt, stroller friendly)
• Swimming Pool (ADA Accessible)
• Skate Park
• Fishing (Creek)
- Catch and Release, License required.
• Some Accessible features: Pool, swing set.
Leashed dogs are allowed at this park. You must clean up after your pet. Dogs are not permitted near any playgrounds.
Day Use Fees:
(No Day Use Fees- Free to the Public.)

Yetter Park
198 Wilson Ave, East Stroudsburg, PA, USA
A park along the Brodhead Creek with an 18-hole disc golf course, plus fishing access and trails for walking and jogging. Part of the Levee Loop Trail.
• Parking
• Port O Potties (Seasonal)
• Trail
o 1 mile trail system, gravel
o Part of 4 mile Levee Loop Trail
o Suitable for Strollers, Running, Biking, Bird Watching, X-country Skiing and Snowshoeing
• Disc Golf
• Fishing (Creek)
- Catch and Release, License required.
Leashed dogs are allowed at this park. You must clean up after your pet.
Day Use Fees:
Day Use Fee:
$10 per person for those who live outside of Monroe County PA
(Memorial thru Labor Day)

Levee Loop Trail
97 Day Street
East Stroudsburg, PA
Constructed in the aftermath the 1955 flood, the levee separating the residents of Stroudsburg and East Stroudsburg from the torrential tendencies of the Brodhead Creek now foster a more unifying function – the Levee Loop Trail. A 4.5 Mile Trail Loop crossing four parks alongside a picturesque portion of the Brodhead Creek. Provides a walkable alternative into and out of town.
Grass and gravel. Relatively flat, with some slight inclines. Points of interest: creek, town, forest, bridges.
Access Points:
Levee Loop Trailhead at Dansbury Park
Leashed dogs are allowed on this trail. You must clean up after your pet.
Click HERE for a PDF Map of the trail.

Brodhead Creek Greenway
4002 North 5th Street
East Stroudsburg, PA
A 1.5 mile walking trail with a small loop on one end. Connects the Levee Loop Trail at Stokes Mill Road to Pinebrook Park by hugging the creek-- passing by Brodhead Creek Watershed Authority, and then through Brodhead Creek Park and Pinebrook Park. Gravel. Mostly a flat trail with one hill. Points of interest: Creek, forest, dam waterfall.
Access points:
Yetter Park (must leave Yetter Park at Mill Creek Bridge pedestrian exit, walk over the bridge along the sidewalk, and cross the street toward the water authority on the other side of the road.)
Leashed dogs are allowed on this trail. You must clean up after your pet.
Day Use Fee:
$10 per person to park within any of these parks for those who live outside of Monroe County PA
(Weekends, Memorial thru Labor Day)
Click HERE for a PDF Map of the Park sections of the trail.

Totts Gap Trailhead
1232 Totts Gap Hill Rd
Stroudsburg, PA
Provides access via a fire road up to the Appalachian Trail along the Kittatiny Ridge. Steep gravel incline followed by wooded trails. Rocks, roots, inclines and views. Points of interest: Follow the Appalachian trail northward about 3 miles for the Mount Minsi overlook. Southbound go 4 miles for the Wolf Rocks overlook (the Fox Gap trailhead is about halfway to Wolf Rocks from Totts Gap). Remember, that both Mt. Minsi and Wolf Rocks overlook are in the middle of the wood--plan enough time and energy to walk the mileage back to your car.
Leashed dogs are allowed on this trail. You must clean up after your pet.
Bike to Nature Route
Click here for map.
Summer/Spring/Fall Activities
Playgrounds, Swimming, Picnic, Hiking, Walking, Running, Biking, Bird Watching, Baseball, Softball, Basketball, Disc Golf, Volleyball, Skateboarding, Golf, Soccer, Fishing

Winter Activities
Snow Shoeing, Cross-Country Skiing, Ice Skating, Ice Hockey, Sledding, Hiking, Bird Watching

In order to provide all park guests pleasant experiences, and protect the environment we all enjoy, all regional parks have rules and regulations. To view them in detail, click the orange button below.
Some main takeaways are:
Use Trashcans. Dispose of your trash properly and do not litter.
No alcohol or smoking in the parks, including hookahs and vaping.
Pavilions and fields may be used on a first-come, first-serve basis unless reserved. To reserve a pavilion or field, click HERE. If an amenity you are using is reserved, you must move if asked by those who made the reservation.
Grilling is only permitted at park grills. You cannot bring your own grills, tables or pop-up tents.
Noise and music must not be loud enough to bother other park guests. Amplification equipment is not allowed.
You may not sell anything or advertise on park property without a permit. This includes conducting lessons for a fee.
Dogs are only allowed in permitted park areas when on a 6-foot or shorter leash. Waste must be picked up by owner. Please do not allow your dog to approach anyone else or any other dog without explicit permission. Dogs are not allowed on or near playgrounds.
Fishing requires a license.
Motorize vehicles and horses are NOT permitted on any of our trails or park greenspaces.