The Mission
Stroud Region Open Space & Recreation Commission’s (SROSRC) mission is connecting the community with recreational programs, greenways, trails, parks, recreation amenities and natural areas throughout the Stroud Region. SROSRC partners with Stroudsburg and East Stroudsburg boroughs, Stroud Township, Stroudsburg and East Stroudsburg school districts
The Region
The municipalities of Stroudsburg, East Stroudsburg and Stroud Township, Pennsylvania, along with the school districts of Stroudsburg Area and East Stroudsburg Area, created the Commission to plan, protect, and develop public recreation resources. As such, the Commission is responsible for implementing the Stroud Region Open Space and Recreation Plan, adopted in 2002.
The Commission
The Commission consists of two representatives from each of the municipalities and one from each school district. Full-time employees include the Executive Director, Office Manager, Recreation Manager, and part-time seasonal managers and staff. Part-time seasonal managers and staff work our StroudKids Camp, Stroudsburg and Dansbury Pools and Concessions, Park Patrol and Caretakers in our parks, indoor aquatics at Chipperfield Elementary, and more. Committees are comprised of board members, staff, and volunteers from the community - learn more about being involved in committees here.
Friends of SROSRC

The Friends of Stroud Region Open Space and Recreation is a nonprofit
501(c)(3) organization working to support recreational, educational, environmental, and cultural opportunities for all who live and work in the Stroud Region.
Day Street Community Center

The Community Center is adjacent to the popular Dansbury Park. The Center is a 4,600-square-foot facility that houses the offices of the Stroud Region Open Space and Recreation Commission, a large meeting room, two classrooms, a kitchenette, and a gymnasium.